Beeswax has healing properties that can help with a number of skin conditions. It has been used in skincare and cosmetics since ancient Egypt. In our modern society, beeswax can be found in many cosmetics, sunscreen and baby products - but many of these companies will add in harsh chemicals that could outweigh the benefits of beeswax.
Beeswax is a natural substance generated and secreted by honey bees. Beeswax is comprised largely of fatty acids, hydrocarbons, and esters. The wax is hard and breakable when cold but soft and pliable when heated or exposed to human body temperature. Beeswax does not spoil, become rancid, or otherwise expire.
When you apply a skin care product that includes beeswax as an ingredient, not only is a protective layer added to the skin to protect it, but the thin layer of beeswax on your skin will actually attract water into the skin, which makes beeswax products a top choice for hydration.
Beeswax can be used to treat and heal skin conditions, as well as burns and wounds. A study by the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology concluded in 2018 that a nature-based skin regimen including beeswax on subjects with clinically diagnosed sensitive skin experienced better resullts than with traditional cosmetic creams.
The anti-inflammatory properties of beeswax encourage the healing of wounds. It is also protective, helping form a barrier between the skin and the environment without clogging pores. Further, beeswax is high in vitamin A, which has been found to support cell reconstruction and health.
Beeswax also has antibacterial properties. It helps keep the skin clean and reduces the risk of contamination. Studies have shown that beeswax can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungus, helping with conditions like diaper rash.
What Skin Conditions Can Beeswax Help?
- Dry skin and eczema
- Stretch marks
- dry, chapped lips
- Psoriasis
- Acne
- Dry skin
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Soothe your scalp
- Inflamed skin
- Itching and irritation
- Diaper rash (yes, beeswax is completely safe for baby bums!)
While you can certainly find recipes to make your own beeswax skin care products online, unless you yourself are a beekeeper, it's a lot of trouble to go to sourcing all of the ingredients and you will end up spending much more - and have a lot of labor and cleanup to do.
BeeLoved Healing Salve was developed in our home kitchen "laboratory" with beeswax form our family apiary in Ashland, Virginia. We use only the highest quality ingredients, in addition to our beeswax, which is harvested with gentleness and upmost care for our precious bees. For more information on how BeeLoved Healing Salve can help you, consult the list of conditions and parts of your body that it can be used for, in the product description.